Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
The Sanctuary
Esse nao era o nosso destino mas sim Had Thien, praia apenas acessivel por mar num barco-taxi, rodeada por floresta tropical e longe das festas. Lugar idilico e onde o ocio e rei. "O sanctuario", (resort onde nos instalamos e unico por ali), oferecia uma vibe demasiado zen e hippie com tratamentos de desintoxicao, meditacao,um menu exclusivamente vegetariano, yoga e visualicoes colectivas de filmes ultra zen realizados por amigos do dono que, nao fosse a beleza natural do lugar, seria dificil de suportar por muito tempo.
But our destnation was Had Thien beach, reached only by taxi-boat and surronded by tropical forest. Would be a perfect spot not only for over zen and over hyppie vibe that the Sanctuary resort offered with detox treatments, meditation, yoga, vegetarian only menu and movie sessions with zen movies directed by friends of the owner.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Had Thien
Bus-3 hours, ferry-2 hours, and arrival to Tong Sala, entry port of Ko Pha Ngan. A forgotten island with basic facilities only draw the most adventurous tourists.Backpackers are the main tourist around here and every month a few thousand of them and other tourists comes here to take part in the famous full moon party in Had Rin beach.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Hua Hin
Hua Hin, cidade costeira a 3 horas de Bangkok foi em tempos o destino preferido da familia Real para ferias. Agora nao e mais do que uma cidade dedicada ao turismo com bonitas praias e todo o entertenimento de tipicos: desportos aquaticos, bares, restaurantes, centros comerciais e muitos hoteis.
Aparte o praia e comida tailandesa a dada altura da nossa estadia por Hua Hin as noticias de um golpe de estado em Bangkok comecaram a chegar... A partir desse momento, sempre com um olho posto nas noticias fomos acompanhando os desenvolvimentos, que ao inicio prometiam confrontos entre faccoes na capital. Tudo acabou pacifico e assim pudemos continuar a nossa viajem em terras tailandesas.
Hua Hin is a coastal town 3 hours away from Bangkok and in the past was the favourite spot of the Royal family for a Holiday. Now is a Resort town dedicated to tourists with nice beaches and all the things you would expect: water sports, pubs, restaurants, all kinds of shops, and hotels...
At this stage, the news of a military coup in Bangkok arrived, and what at the begining was a very tense situation that could scale to violence ended up to be a non violent change of power. Thus we could continue our journey along the Siem.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Em Forma
E quando os media Tailandeses souberam que estava na cidade nunca mais me livrei dos papparazi ate que acedi a uma entrevista exclusiva para o canal Real nos jardins do palacio...
When the Thai media heard that I was in Bangkok the papparazi didn't give me a rest untill I was interviewed for the Royal chanel on the palace grounds...
Friday, November 17, 2006
Para monges
Espaco para monges no transporte publico.
E ser monge na Tailandia da direito a muitos privilegios e todos os homens passam um ano de vida num mosteiro, ou assim e que toda a gente espera deles.
Space for monks in the public transport.
Being a monk in Thailand gives you a lot of beneficts, and all men are expected to spend at least one year of their lifes in a monastery.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Mais um Templo Budista chamado "wat qualquer coisa" nas margens do rio que atravessa a cidade, e que e mais uma autoestrada na agua, com barcos de cargas, passageiros, taxis a subir e descer o rio.
Another "wat" on ther shores of the river that flows along the heart of Bangkok, a river that is just like a motorway with freight boats, taxi boats, bus boats all going up and down non stop.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Mais um visto e autorizacao par ficar por um mes... Tres semanas foram suficientes...
Bangkok, caotica, aglomerados de casebres como na foto, um punhado de edificios historicos, mercados a cada esquina a todas as horas, optima comida, tuk tuks acelerando pela cidade e o turismo sexual bem visivel e tolerado por toda a gente.
After a long period away Im back with more news from around the globe.
Another visa and and one month to spend... In the end three weeks were enough...
Chaos dominate Bangkok, a few historical buidings, markets everywhere at every hour, great food, tuk tuk reving up and down the streets and the sex tourism well visible and tolerated by everyone.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Huaqing Hot Spring 2
Huaqing Hot Spring
In the outskirts of Xian we found one of most beautiful places that I visited in China. A spa resort in the mountains for the emperor and mistresses (he didnt like to be alone).
Soldados Terracota
Transporte de Mercadorias
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Aula de Caligrafia
Moi apreendedo a escrever o meu nome em chines...nos parques ha sempre alguem a praticar caligrafia, nao com tinta mas agua, amigos do ambiente...
Beihai Park.
Myself learning how to write my name in Chinese… in the parks there is always some locals practising calligraphy,with water, enviromental friendly…
The favourite tipe of pet in China...birds. Instead of walking the dog, the locals take their birds to the park and play chinese chess.
Temple of Heaven
Cidade Proibida
Algumas partes ainda continuam proibidas mas as que se podem aceder sao o melhor exemplo da mais impressionante arquitetura chinesa. Enorme com 999 quartos (so os deuses tem palacios com 1000 quartos).Uma grande mansao para Imperador...
Roofs of the Forbideen City!
Some sections still a no-go part for turists but the open to the public part is a magnificent sample of the best chinese architeture. 999 rooms (only the gods have 1000 rooms palaces). A big playground for the Emperor...
Agente Secreto
Secret agent in highly dangerous mission in the heart of the red empire (Tiannamen Square)… The details of the mission are classified but I can tell you that the mission was successful.