Wednesday, February 07, 2007


E com todo este movimento, a epoca Natalicia chegou bem rapido. jenny foi-se por 2 semanas a Irlanda e eu fui-me a Buderim na Sunshine Coast. Ai fiquei em casa de Terry, um australiano que tinha viajado por Africa comigo. Por ai fiquei duas semanas ate depois do Natal a aproveitar o sol, a praia e a descansar de toda a agitacao das semanas anteriores. Tive ainda a oportunidade de viver um Natal australiano, com muito sol e calor mas sem praia dado que a familia de Terry vive longe da mesma. Foram 2 semanas muito divertidas e de total mescla na cultura australiana gracas a hospitalidade de Terry.

Christmas was coming swiftly with all this moving around. Jenny left to Ireland for 2 weeks and I made my way to Buderim in the Sunshine Coast. I stayed at Terry's place, an australian that was traveling around Africa with me. I stayed the following 2 weeks enjoying the sun, the place and resting from the hectic life of the previous weeks. I had the chance to experience the Australian Christmas with loads of sun but no beach because Terry's family lived in the interior of Queensland. Nevertheless it was a very good experience and the 2 weeks were enjoyed knowing better the australian way of life, thanks to Terry and his family.

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