Thursday, December 28, 2006


Depois do repouso merecido, afinal ja eram 4 meses na estrada, la voltei a vida de nomada com a primeira paragem em Melbourne. Ao contrario de Sydney que e muito mais apressada e cintililante Melbourne e muito mais relaxada e underground. Muito mais artistica e gourmet com espetaculos de arte a cada esquina e cafes e restaurantes com esplanadas a acompanhar.
Ainda tivemos tempo de sentir a vibracao nocturna de Melbourne e encontrarmo-nos com Tim, um australiano da cidade que tinha feito a viajem por Africa comigo. Acabamos a noite com uma bebida no novo e cintilante casino...

After a good and well deserved rest in Sydney, was back to the nomad life. Melbourne came first and contrasting with the rush and glamour of Sydney we found a laid back and very arty city, with loads of cafes and restaurants and art shows everywhere.
Still there was time to check out the night life and meet Tim, an Melbournian that was in the same trip through Africa with me. We end up the night drinking in the flashy casino...

Melbourne e tambem a porta de entrada para a Great Ocean Road uma das estradas mais bonitas do mundo, palavras do Lonely Planet.

Melbourne is also the gateway to the Great Ocean Road, one of most scenic road trips, words from the Lonely Planet.

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