Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Phnom Penh

Na lista dos 10 paises mais pobres do mundo o Cambodja. Caixas multibanco so em US dolares. A capital e marcada por uma arquitectura colonial com pequenas partes da cidade bastante bem conservadas e com lojas de design, moda, restaurantes, cafes que nos levariam a acreditar que estariamos em uma dada capital Europeia, nao fosse o contraste com a vizinhanca de predios decrepitos, ruas caoticas cheias lixo, mercados. Criancas e adultos amputados por causa de minas, heranca dos tempos idos dos Khmer Vermelhos, sao uma vidsao constante a cada virar de esquina.
One of the 10 poorest countries in the world. ATM machines only give away US dolars.
The capital is mostly marked by the french colonial presence with small parts of the city very well developed with fashion shops, design, restaurants and cafes that almost made us think that we were in some european city. But side by side with this happy picture is the reality of most Cambodian persons, with building falling apart, cahotic streets full of rubish and markets. Adults and children amputees are a very common sight due to land mines from past times that are still hiding on the ground.

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