Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Monges palacio real

E depois de 5 dias no Santuario, foi tempo de partir a descoberta de outro sitio para relaxar. Acabou por ser nas praias gemeas de Thong Nai Pan Noi e Thong Nai Pan Yai que encontramos o balanco ideal entre Natureza e civilizacao. Paraiso.

After 5 days in the Sanctuary, was time to move along and find other spot to kick back. We found the twin beaches of Thong Nai Pan Noi and Thong Nai Pan Yai where the balance between civilization and Nature was perfect. Paradise.

1 semana depois, de volta a estrada. Bangkok. Voo para Phnom Penh capital do Cambodja.
Terminal de chegadas, 20 dolares, 30 minutos de espera, e autorizacao para entrar no pais.
Nao sem antes realizar que algures na Tailandia alguem se apoderou de 100 US dolares que pertenciam...tarde demais...em algum hotel provavelmente.

1 week later and Bangkok as the departure point for Phnom Penh, Cambodia Capital.
Arrivals terminal, 20 US dolar, 30 minutes waiting and we were allowed to enter the country.
Not without figuring out that somewhere along the way in Thailand someone took hold of 100 USD that belonged to me... too late for complaints...gone in some hotel room.

Monges de visita ao Palacio Real em Phnom Penh.

Monks in the Royal Palace.

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